Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Timid Road Raging

After several years of avoiding any kind of traffic, living within in a 10km radius of school and work, driving (walking - when the car was stolen/broken/stupid) less than 20km's a day and most recently 9-12km's in total - this included; taking boys to school, going to work, picking them up, taking them home, going back to work and then returning home. I now bypass all my previous places of residence and go TOwards my most recent residence (too much of a reality check to count but think its approx 15km's 1 way) then drive to temporary job assignment - result of retrenchment - which is around 10-15 km's in the opposite direction of the said school - bypassing yet another previous place of residence.

Upon leaving my nest 7-8yrs ago, I vowed NEVER ... ever... to be in the car for more than an hour at a time if it could at all be helped. Possibly because I absolutely hate, no no despise - okay... vehemently abhor, traffic.

Wanna see this crazily bubbly person morph into a gargantuan bitch in 2 seconds flat? Put me in bumper to bumper traffic at 10km's an hr - clutch leg (left) having a minor seizure, protruding vein (my offspring nonchalantly refer to it as "The Harry Potter scar") pumping uncontrolably while an incompetent female... soccer mom... wanna be driver... escorts her little brats to daycare at 5km's p/h, never hesitating to stop before every single turn!!!!! WHy licenses are issued to these clearly inadequate road abusers, are beyond my natural understanding!!!

All the while hearing these weird voices - "They can't hear you", "Who are you speaking to?", "Please stop cursing?", "I don't think the car understood you", sounds vaguely familiar - that's it - my offspring! they need to get to school in one piece and possibly be raised in a non-violent, non-cusing environment. Why I decided NOT to smoke in the car&house with my wonderful family members present is beyond even me???? ... oh ... yes, in an effort to kill only myself while enjoying my only vice! Blows I tellya.

The trek to work from school is slightly less challenging accept I don't seem to hear those voices any longer... think all the soccer mom's have gone shopping and my "vice" happily burns between my fingers.

We retrace this route every afternoon - afraid how painful this journey may be when pms arrives. S'pose I'll cross that bridge when we get there and we're not far off.

Just for the record, I only say how stupid they are (cause really - most cars are) and seldomly swear... out loud, tail - seriously close to - excrutiatingly slow cars and never give the finger (no really - petite is not scary). Although I'm sure they sense my frustration when checking their rear view mirrors. Also, my dad taught me to drive and I do know when people are with stupid because I handle my shite better than alot of men.

Optimistic thought: Tomorrow will be better and I'll get used to it ... eventually! Ye - in about 5 minutes.

Thanks for sharing my bitching session.

Cheese: Sharing is Caring

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