Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Desperately WaCko!

Time = Birth! Life! Death! Eternity!

My youngest son asked whether ppl had already forgotten about Michael Jackson so soon after his death? Being that he's interest in the news - whether on radio or TV - is as minimal as mine, we tend to listen to it while on our way to school and work in the morning and this was a long weekend. Needless to say, we hadn't heard a word about him in a while accept that he has not been layed to rest as yet.

Funnily enough the episode of Desperate Housewives immediately after this seemingly innocent question, had the same connotation "Life is what you make of it". Not to mention the post by a blogger last week about being "Over the Hill". This brought on the frightful reminder that life is blatantly and quite rudely, short.

Is it a sign that one should just accept what is happening in life and try liking it- even enjoy it if you must - so that at some pivotal point you have every right to say those fateful words "Life is what you make of it"? I can complain all I want, throw my toys and still get the same result, its a cache 22 situtation. Something or nothing - whichever applies - will happen whether or not you want or will it to. Obviously this refers to my previous post (Control is an illusion ... ) we all try making the most of life - sometimes though - lifes curveballs are fast and continuous... leaving very little to enjoy.

WAcko JAcko! poor dude - lived a lonely, intrusive, crazy yet amazing life - in my opinion. Almost every kid on the planet for the past 40 years or so wished they'd had that kind of fame and/or aspired to it. But did anyone look at the life this man/boy lead? He had all the money in the world, every person possible knew who he was - how'd he buy toilet paper? Luckily he wasn't a chick - can you imagine desperately needing a tampon when everyone knows who you are? In his life, that would make the freaken tabloids - how bloody sad (excuse the pun).

He tried to make the best of life - but alas, there were times when nothing he said or did changed the outcome of a particular life altering situation - even for him "The King of Pop". Some like to think he lived a fascinating existence and died alone - we'll never know.

The point is, he will not be forgotten - ever! But we mere mortals, aaah we mere, ignorant, insaciable, ungrateful mortals. Will we be remembered by those we treasure in our every day lives? Or will they be relieved for your dissipated return to earth's dust?

I am the absolute best mom I can be, it’s nothing close to the perfect one you read about or see on TV, quite possibly the farthest thing from it. The boys know they’ll either find socks in their drawers or clean laundry basket or still waiting to be washed. Not clear cut and seriously not trying to be Supermom (so not domesticated its beyond hilarious) but one thing’s for sure - I love my boys completely unconditionally, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them if I could and I want them out of my house as soon as they are of college going age. That’s less than a decade and counting - whoohooo!

All I want is that they never forget how much I love them when I’m gone. That, in it self, will be the greatest feat and worth my entire life, should it end this very day. It will also be what I made of my life - no?

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