Thursday, July 29, 2010

The love thing... again?

What's up with the love thing this week, seriously though?

Most of the blogs I follow have this word in the title of their posts and well, my whole week has been about love and friendship and the amount or lack thereof. Your family loves you, even the kids, whether they like it or not (cause that's how it is) and maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend will love you too or you've lost the love of a friend - the friendship basically. No love lost, no? No.

It's a phenomenon that it does actually make the world go round, so does money but that's a different discussion altogether. My car hasn't been showing me very much love and neither have the people trying to fix it for the past two weeks. I was actually stranded for a few hours (at work) last night. Why? Well let's just say when times are tough Murphy's all up in your face like an annoying fucking bee.

So here I am, at the beginning of an awesome venture - not a crossroad, I'm past that - and circumstances are preventing me from going at it with everything I have. So I'll have to go at it with what I have left and stuff like that shows up somehow someway. I want to give it my all, why shouldn't I. Is that how you look at it - when something's wrong in your personal life, your work life is great - but then suffers for it and vice versa. Is it then safe to say that everything can't always work out, not only the way you want it to, just in general.

I've seen many people have it all - they may not have all of it, but in their minds and to the outside world - it is having it all. And guess what they do with it, throw it away in a moment of weakness or for compulsive actions. Others well, they bask in that and realise they should enjoy it while it lasts. Then there are those who just keep getting knocked into a freaken brick wall. But they still hope that one day it will crack and they'll have a reason to keep the faith. What happens when that faith is crumbled and they cannot go it any longer? They give up because at some point the punches are too great and well, we're human - it injures your soul at times so much so that its incomprehensible to attempt repairing it.

Surely, something's gotta give - I'll try stay optimistic and positive. The glass is half full, the glass... is half FULL.

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