Friday, November 19, 2010

Wow! and wow

Wow! Been saying that alot lately, but seriously - didn't think people could still surprise me with their disgusting disregard for and toward each other. Which is why I say wow in small letters cause I should know this shit by now being that I'm cynical and shallow and all the other little icey details I'd like other's to believe about me.

But wow! To be left stranded in a city by a "friend" with no regard for my safety or wellbeing is a little... well... HARD to fathom. Surprisingly enough I feel okay, just a little poorer and more stressed but okay nonetheless. This is the kinda thing that makes me distrust humankind even more. I should, but really don't want to anymore, its such an empty life. Just the thought though of having too many clingy, abusive friends is a little more daunting than having none at all, or is it?

Hating the way this makes me feel right now. So I gotta do this:
"Think positive thoughts" - "remember those who do good" - "do good for those who love you" - "love those who don't deserve it". Not so easy either.

Sitting here in my hotel room, stranded and alone I'm thinking maybe I should just be me and tell the rest of the world that I won't break because they treat me badly, that I'll make sure I'm okay cause I'm versatile like that, and I'm a big girl, we don't cry... we get even whaawahahhahaha (evil laugh).

I'm a cynical bitch and shoulda known better. But no sense in crying over spilt milk, it's water under the bridge and am in the process of crossing it.

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