Thursday, March 8, 2012

The year of the Dragon

In Chinese culture, (please do not quote me on this) the chinese try their utmost to have a baby in the Year of the Dragon, as it is a good omen. Most successful entepreneurs were born in a Dragon Year.

It is also quite a lucky year for most of the world - projects should come to fruition and if you really believe in this, the year will bring luck to all who have worked towards a goal prior to it.

I haven't blogged for the duration of my time at my current place of work, not only because I was absolutely busy with something that had very little to do with what I have been working towards but because I just had no means of doing this. Which, in reality is such a downside.

When you go out into the world to do or make something of yourself against all odds - and there are odds - the only thing that is certain, is that your attitude will determine your circumstance. No matter where you are, how you are and what you are, how you perceive where, how and what is ultimately the deciding factor.

I have since - in the last 7 months, realised that I just will no longer accept being stepped on. They say your 30's is wonderful, but so far it has been horrible. Why? Because I deserve the recognition I have worked for but am still being treated as though I were in my 20's, which has had me at a point where I wanted it all to just stop.

No one person could ever be beat down so much and continue as if nothing ever happened. They will do one of two things: die or fight back. The problem is, in order to fight back you have to be on the verge of dying. Such a tragedy.

If there is one thing I can say about life while I'm in a silly spin, is that it can change in a split second. The saying "Youth is wasted on the young" is so true, as you don't realise what is really valuable to you until you are about to lose everything including your most valuable (not material) posessions or persons.

Year of the Dragon or not, this year was going to be a deciding factor in my life at least. Things cannot and should not carry on as they did before, people and surroundings and life have to change in order to survive.

I will not be beat down ever again. That is how it will remain for the duration of my existence on this planet.

I'm happy to be back and will now begin my real blog, as I'm looking to write alot more this time around.

There is no better time than now.

Lols, signing off.

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