Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In serious need of therapy

Another Journal Entry

In desperate need to let this out, but since I promised the people in my life I wouldn't speak about certain things, I kinda don't have anyone to tell it to...

Having no friendly resources, accept for my one favourite person on the face of this earth... He is my best friend and always will be - I hope. Things haven't been good for him either, but when he can he is there for me, just to talk - well more like type. We haven't seen each other in forever (meaning years), our relationship is purely "Skyped". So when either of us are offline, its not quite helpful to the other, although he's risking having me as a bbm contact - good lord, if the wife finds that the world is going to end for him, a horrid death at that.

So this blog is to thank him for his friendship, cause without that little 'get it off my chest, nag and bitch as much as I can type, sessions' today would be as bad as the past year.

Having a relatively decent day - i.e. I'm not permanently pissed... Dunno who this person is any longer - the job I loved so much has become soul destroying and the bf, well - thats such a long story - just can't deal with him or my finances right now. In serious need of therapy in order to get my mind in the right place to pluck up the courage to do what needs to be done (story of my fcuking life). Every aspect of my life is unfulfilling in this moment, okay more like at this point but survive I will. So ironic, a few blogs ago I swore it wouldn't take over my life.

A word of advice from a sufferer: If you're depressed and can get help (meaning it won't cost you a cent or you are able to get this with or without financial aid) go get it... make yourself make that call, ask someone to help you but go get it done NOW!

Also, I'm afraid to re-read this one at a later stage as my everyday, normal communication and comprehension non-skills still evade me.

Just... really... need... Therapy!
Over and out.

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