Friday, November 13, 2009

Pet Hate Words...

Firstly I just wanted to say - YAY! I have a follower! Hi, Michelle - so glad you could join me.

Funny thing is, just as I mention I'm gonna write whether people actually read it or not, I get a follower... awesomest!

Back to the subject at hand, what the heck is "feeling" something? Does it mean you (the dreaded word) 'like' them? That enjoying someone's company is an actual FEELING? Now I am no expert on this, frankly a friend of mine quite blatantly reminded just yesterday, that I am highly unstable. Look - I didn't ask whether he meant emotionally or mentally, because I think I'd know whether I were or not (would I?). The following is therefore entirely my opinion and/or reaction to these words.

To re-iterate, if someone tells you after a few dates, or outings (play dates with other kids mothers' - I know... weird... but it’s happened before) or just plain old conversation - that they enjoy your company, does that mean they have "feelings" for you? Maybe I'm insane, but this dating thing is just not what it used to be. Am I growing up, do I need to now be more responsible and conservative because I'm apparently of age or can I actually just be me?

If someone doesn't reciprocate the emotion , leaving the other feeling the fool, who's problem is that exactly? What will probably make it ten times worse is if that person then tries to draw it out of the other - while trying to justify it as an attempt at being "OPEN" hate that word...(through gritted teeth)

Other pet hate words....

Shut out
Emotions’s not a long list, but these words, used in an incorrect (stupid) context, can be abused like no other. E.g. Why can't people just open up? Stop shutting everyone out! Most people are less reserved than they seem.
Do you see what I mean - fine, its a given that the intelligent use of language is a brilliant manipulation tool, but FFS can some please buy some tact.

I'm being a complete hag but I've wanted to blog about this for so long. Not only does the issue of feelings come up when two or more people start a friendship or relationship or whatever, the other issue is whether your initial interest fades once you get to know them a little better. What causes this and why would the initial attraction (because lets face it - if something doesn't attract your attention you wouldn't have seen/spoken with/heard it in the first place) be less enticing once you've gotten to know them.

Acquaintances I've stumbled upon recently and not so recently have made me realise one definite downfall - especially of the middle age (30 - I know its young right) - they seem to have the freaken answers to everything. Now honestly, I can handle one or two know-it-all's in my life - obviously less frequently than the norm, but almost every day and not by choice? This sucks big time, I'm sick of people trying to tell me that their experiences were worse than mine, that everybody has problems, that I give the impression that I think I've been through tough times - but theirs were worse. When frankly I don't give a flying F.

There was no question or insinuation that their opinion was required or even requested, seriously - was there a way of getting out before it started? Why can't they just keep this to themselves, I do. My problems were/are HUGE in my life too - do/did I go round telling everyone that mine are worse than theirs .... uuuuuh Hell No!

K, since I cannot find a solution to this and my disinterest seems to fall on deaf ears and blind eyes - I'll just keep ignoring them, until hopefully one pleasant day - the irritating, advice giving, circumstance comparing, opinionated basterds leave me the F-alone. All I want is the ability to say whatever I want without thinking how much it would hurt someone else who clearly doesn't care whether what they say hurt's or offends me...

I know - total b&#%&ing session, right?.

I LVOE blogger .... hehehe - just to emphasize... these words used in the correct context at the correct time, elegantly delivered for best impact ... transform into poetry.

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